The Problem with Old J. Crew

One of the things I hear the most from my clients and in my DMs is a longing for a time “when J. Crew was good.” 

 I talked about this on IG stories a couple weeks ago and heard back from SO MANY of you that I wanted to dive deeper into this phenomenon. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, stick around, there will be a payoff for you too, I promise.

The TL;DR – 

In the 2010s, J. Crew was the answer to dressing for work and play for millions of women. The clothes were well-made, well-priced and had classic but not boring designs. Nothing they sold could offend anyone. (For better or worse!) You could buy clothes for work, weekends, dates, travel and their bathing suits were top notch (that last part is still true). They made enough styles and colors that if you wore it head-to-toe, you wouldn't be matching the 4 other women in your office who did the same.

So, J. Crew going downhill in both quality and style, while maintaining prices, was a big shock if that was your go-to. I know. I've heard it from so many of you. It felt like you'd lost a life hack (to borrow a phrase from that time period). It was like an item on your to do list got unchecked.

But you know what? 

J. Crew wasn't actually solving your style problem. “J. Crew” (even during its best era!) is not a style. No one store can full encapsulate any one person's personal style. Real style is about making it personal.* It takes many stores, flea markets, vintage shops, “borrowed” items from your cool aunt, etc to make your style feel like YOU.

So instead of finding a new store to dress in head-to-toe, let's take this opportunity to learn what your style really is.

As an example, there's a client I was having this conversation with recently. We described her style as Classic, Preppy with a Twist. For her, this means classic silhouettes in bright colors with unexpected details and combinations. Naturally, she was a die-hard old J. Crew fan and that's why she's been feeling lost in her style lately. 

After we defined her style (in much more detail than what's above), we focused on shopping for her style rather than locking in a single retailer to be her new go-to. While we bought quite a few pieces from Tuckernuck and Boden, we also got basics at Everlane and some nicer pieces at Saks. We got handbags on resale sites and more casual weekend pieces at boutiques.

Is this more work than buying everything at one store? YES!

Does she get the most compliments of anyone in her office? YES!

Is she the best dressed in her friend group? YES!

Does having a style that helps her express her true self make her a better boss, mom, friend and wife? ALSO YES!

Defining a style that makes you look and feel like your best self isn't easy. 

I'm sorry J. Crew made you feel that it might be. But when you think back to all those ponte pants, rhinestone tees and ruffley silk shells, did they ALL feel like you? You know they didn't.

Besides, if defining your personal style was easy, you would have done it already. You're smart, capable and get shit done! 

So instead of continuing to languish in clothes that don't make you feel like you, let me help you with the style portion of your to do list. Just don't think I'm going to give you a list of stores to replace J.Crew – our work is going way deeper than that.

We'll partner to define your style by finding inspiration, talking through what makes you feel like yourself and I'll laser in on what that means for your style. There's a little bit of homework, but I swear it's FUN. More on my style discovery service here!

Once we understand your style, we'll be able to strategically shop for it instead of using shopping to figure out what you like. (That NEVER works!)

If you're reading this and there's a pile of clothes you tried on and didn't like nearby, you know you need my help. 

If you long for the days of walking into your local J. Crew once a season and buying everything in sight, you need my help.

There's nothing more powerful than wearing clothes that feel like you. You deserve to feel that way, every day.

If you're ready to get started with style discovery, book a free consultation here. 

*This is always the answer btw.

Gab Saper
I don't believe in rules but...

A client recently told me she thrived on rules asked for my style rules. While I made up a genius one for her on the spot (Crayola rule - if you're wearing something bright that would be in a classic Crayola box, pair it with a softer color like grey, navy, brown, olive, etc instead of black or white. There's less of a stark contrast that way so it won't be jarring to the eye), I told her that I don't believe in style rules. Trying to follow style rules is usually what gets people stuck in their style. Don't wear black with brown, no white after Labor Day, avoid horizontal stripes, etc…these all belong in the garbage. 


I do want to share my style philosophies with you. These are concepts, not tangible rules. If you're following me on Instagram or TikTok, you've definitely heard some of these. 



Like your career, your health habits, your relationships – your style will always be evolving as you and your life change. The good thing about this is that it gives you a lot of room to experiment, you're not committing to anything for life. Obviously the more effort/money you spend going in one direction, the larger impact it has but nothing is irreversible.



If you buy clothes that you feel just ok about, your wardrobe is going to be just ok. Do not bring anything into your wardrobe that you don't absolutely LOVE. It takes more work to do it this way but it is SO worth it.



This is a hill I will die on. A white tee shirt does not work for everyone. Figure out what YOUR basics are and your wardrobe will be easy to use and make you feel like you.

  • An example: Instead of a white tee, my personal layering staple is a black or black/white striped tank. I prefer layering with tanks instead of tees so the sleeves don't bunch and because I naturally run hot. My skin tone doesn't look good in white so I rarely wear white tops.



You have absolutely 0 obligation to follow trends. Nothing will happen if you don't. However, the more trends you follow, the harder it will be to even understand what you like. Before buying an item that's on trend, ask yourself, do I really like this or have I just seen it everywhere? If the answer is yes, go for it! Wearing trending items is not inherently bad, just don't default to it above your own personal taste.



The current state of global manufacturing has made sizing more inconsistent than ever. This is good news because you can no longer consistently be any one size, so hopefully this helps people let go of being a certain size (and the negative feelings that come up when something that size doesn't fit you). The bad news is that shopping is now harder. Whether you're in a store or shopping online, try on EVERYTHING in 2 sizes. If it's a tighter item take the size that works for you the most (notice how I'm not saying "your size" - I highly suggest distancing your identity from any particular size) and a size bigger. If it's a looser item, take the size that works for you the most and a size smaller.



While I'd love for everyone to get rid of every item that doesn't fit, I know that's not realistic. So if you're not ready , take that stuff out of your closet. Store it somewhere out of sight and out of mind. If you mix in the jeans that are two sizes too small with the rest of your clothes, you will see them every time you get dressed. They will make you feel bad every day, even if it's for a microsecond. There is no reason those jeans should have that much power over you. Your closet should be filled with solutions, not problems.



By feel good, I mean physically, emotionally, aesthetically.

  • Physically: if it's too small, too big, itchy, has buttons or zippers that poke you, do not wear it. Clothes should feel good on your body. Textile technology has come a LONG way, even in the last 10 years. There's no reason to be uncomfortable in your clothes anymore. (Shoe technology is still improving, I will allow some foot discomfort for special occasions but not for an every day shoe.)

  • Emotionally: Clothing is closely tied to our emotions. If an article of clothing reminds you of a time in your life, a person, or anything else that makes you feel bad, DO NOT WEAR IT! I recently got rid of a perfectly good top that I liked and fit me nicely because I wore it during a hard time in my life and seeing it reminded me of that time. I will not miss it.

  • Aesthetically: if you look in the mirror and don't like what you see, it's a NO! If every influencer and celebrity is wearing it but you don't like it, it's a NO!  Just like with food, taste is an instinct you feel immediately. Listen to yourself.


If you follow these, you will create a wardrobe that feels GOOD, feels like YOU and doesn't fuck with your body image. Sounds pretty rad, right?

Gab Saper
Make Brené Brown proud

Think about a time in your life when you worked hard to overcome something and came out better on the other side. 

Maybe it was a career change, a health issue or the end of a relationship. Throughout that journey, you had difficult and vulnerable conversations with people you love and maybe even professionals like a coach, doctor or therapist. It was hard and scary, but you did it and it was worth it. Now it’s hard to even remember what life was like before you made those big changes.


So you agree, the hard stuff is worth it, right?

Great! Because developing your personal style is hard too. (But unlike an injury or a breakup, it’s also very fun!)

Transforming your style is not just about walking into a store and buying one of everything. It requires you to reflect on your desires, fears and goals. It requires you to be vulnerable, with yourself, and if we work together, with me too.

I heard from a client recently that she cried the day before our first meeting because she was so nervous that I was going to judge her.

Hearing this broke my heart. 

Obviously, I don’t want anyone to cry because of me. I don’t want anyone to feel judged by me. That is truly one of my biggest fears in my business. It’s my goal to always create a safe environment for my clients to be completely honest and vulnerable, because that is how you build trust and create change.

So I’m telling you this because if you’re thinking about working with me, I don’t want you to be scared I’m going to judge you.

Not only is it not an impulse I have as a person, but also because I do this for a living…

I have seen bodies of all shapes and sizes. 

I have seen closets of all shapes, sizes and organization levels. 

I have seen clothing in such bad shape that it went directly to the garbage. 

And all of that is OK! 

In terms of your goals and desires, those definitely won’t be judged either. Everyone’s tastes, lives, hopes and dreams are different. We will define your personal style based on yours. There are no wrong answers. 

I’m on your team to make your personal style dreams come true. 

This is so fucking cheesy, but it is also completely true!!!

My job is to guide you on your style evolution, to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be next. 

While I promise never to judge you, what I ask for in return is vulnerability.

The queen of vulnerability herself, Brené Brown, once said, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

Finding your personal style is going to require that you look inward. We’ll talk through your feelings about your body, clothes you love, clothes you hate, your style icons, how you want to feel in your clothes and so much more, in order to define a dream style just for you.

In addition to the inner work of figuring out what you want your style to reflect, you’re also going to have to literally, physically, try on new things. 

Some of them won’t work and that’s part of the process. You won’t burst into flames, I promise. I have had so many moments in dressing rooms where a client puts something on and they burst out laughing, because it’s a HUGE MISS. 

I’ve had just as many moments in dressing rooms where clients gasp, or even cry, because it’s PERFECT. 

Being vulnerable means trying new things. Trying new things leads to finding the right things. You have to kiss a lot of frogs (wrong clothes for you) to find your prince (right clothes for you).

If you’re ready to make mama Brené proud, I’d love to partner with you to do it.

Gab Saper
Sizes are FAKE! You can officially stop caring about them.

Do you identify with being a certain size? 

If so, you might say things like, “I’m consistently a size 6.”  

Maybe you even take pride in achieving or remaining at a certain size. 

“I’ve been a size 8 since college”

“I’m back in my pre-pandemic size 4 jeans.” 

If you feel like a certain size is part of your identity, you also know how devastating it feels when you try something on in that size and it’s too small. 

It sounds something like, “I’m not a size 12 person, I’m a size 10 person!”

By going outside the bounds of your perceived identity, you feel like you have failed. 

You are absolutely not alone for feeling this way. Most people have this feeling at some point in their lives. 

I know that on more than one occasion, I’ve decided not to buy something because it didn’t fit in “my size.” 

And you know what? That is a BIG MISTAKE. Not only are you missing out on wearing things you love but you’re also reinforcing the value of sizes and thinness by leaning into this mentality. 

(Not to mention the styling potential of buying certain items too big on purpose, but we can save that for another day.)

But it’s not too late to unlearn this for good.

The Mindset Shift: Sizes Don’t Matter

Being upset that you are bigger than the size you deem acceptable is a very common experience. However, this reinforces the idea that being smaller is better and being bigger is worse. 

It’s not your fault. You were raised, and still live, in toxic diet culture that talks about, and places value on, people’s bodies like this:


And she was PREGNANT during this time period. Le sigh.


And let’s not forget our parents who raised us with their toxic understanding of diet culture, which was cultivated by ads like these:


For generations, media of every type has raised us to believe that thinner is better. Thin means beauty, thin means willpower, thin is morally superior. 

It’s not your fault you have these feelings inside of you but that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about them. 

Here is one thing you can do today that will have a HUGE impact.

Change your media diet. 

Think critically about the tv, film and creators that you watch/follow. Is it mostly thin people? If so, seek out media that celebrates bodies of different shapes and sizes. This will change your definition of beauty. 

A few recommendations:

Broadening your view of what can be beautiful will impact how you see beauty in others and more importantly, yourself. 

The Practical Shift: Sizes are FAKE

I’ll never stop talking about this. 


The way clothes are made has changed significantly in the last few decades. Manufacturing has become a global business that is changing constantly due to local and international regulations, economic factors, labor factors, environmental factors, supply chain constraints and more. As a result, clothes are made in more places than ever, leading to extremely inconsistent sizing.

So where does that leave us? With clothes and accessories that fit the same body in a wide range of sizes.

I recently did a full closet inventory for a client, put it all in a spreadsheet and sorted it by type and size. Shoes ranged from 9.5 - 11.5. Pants ranged from 31 - 34. Sweaters were 40% Medium, 60% Large. This was AFTER the closet edit. These were all items that fit the client’s current body, comfortably.

Another example, in this photo, each of these items fit me well:


Jacket is XS, belt is Small, top is Medium, pants are Large. I cover a spectrum of 4 sizes, with one fairly evenly-proportioned body.

So what does that mean for you? Even if your body doesn’t change, your size will. While this makes shopping harder, I hope it enables you to release any attachment to being a certain size, because you literally can’t be anymore. Nothing you do to your body will change the inconsistencies in the fashion industry, so you may as well use that to your advantage.

So shop for what fits, try on four sizes if you need to. If you don’t like the size on the tag, just cut it off. It doesn’t mean anything and pretty soon, you will forget what it was anyway. 

All you will know is that you have a garment you love that fits your body. 

And THAT is what matters.

Say it with me now, SIZES! ARE! FAKE!

Not caring about sizes is not something that happens overnight but just like any other mindset shift, you can do it if you focus on it. If you’re struggling to get there, cut the tags off everything you own. What you can’t see, can’t hurt you. 

Once you’ve shifted your mindset on sizing, your life will be easier, richer and full of clothes you love, that love you back (because they fit and feel good)!

Gab Saper
Is your closet f*cking with you?

There isn’t a quick fix for achieving a personal style that will make you feel like your best, truest, most badass self. It’s a process that takes time, effort and reflection. I have a lot more thoughts on this.

BUT here’s one thing you can do that will make a BIG ASS difference. And you can do it TODAY, with no outside help. 

It’s not a coincidence that my most popular posts on both Instagram and Tiktok were about this one thing.

Your closet should only contain clothes that fit your body as it is today.

One more time…

Your closet should only contain clothes that fit your body as it is today.

I know it sounds simple, but I also know you haven’t done it.



Every time you go through your closet to pick an outfit, you make split-second judgements on each item you see. It probably sounds something like “not today, meh, doesn’t fit, maybe, not in the mood, doesn’t fit” and so on. You give each item a verdict and the verdict of “doesn’t fit” is probably making you feel bad in some way – guilt, disappointment, self-criticism, etc. 

So for every item you come across that doesn’t fit, you’re having a bad feeling. Yes, it’s a microsecond but there are likely DOZENS of them. That shit adds up! And that’s how you’re starting your day? 


Instead, imagine how it would feel to only look at clothes that give you good feelings. Or at worst, neutral ones. Isn’t that a better way to start the day?


Think of your closet as a toolbox. It’s filled with different tools for different jobs and each items serves a(t least one!) purpose. You’d never keep a broken nail in a toolbox, so why keep clothes that don’t fit in your closet?

Having items that can’t do the job makes it harder to create a solution with the tools that do work. They take up space both literally in the closet and mentally by distracting you from what works.

Every day when you look through your closet, you evaluate every item you look at for its viability in that day’s outfit. You likely don’t even remember what fits and what doesn’t some days, so you have to take the time to ask yourself “does this fit?” for at least a few items. You may even try it on to confirm.

Think of all the time you’ve wasted on the items that don’t fit, that have been in your closet for years. Those daily minutes have probably added up to hours, if not days, of wasted time.

If you only have clothes that fit your body as it is today, your closet is full of solutions, and devoid of distractions.


I generally suggest getting rid of clothes that don’t fit. It is very unlikely that if these clothes fit again, you’ll actually want them. Most people hold onto clothes that no longer fit as a way to channel a previous version of themselves. Some people do it to punish themselves for gaining weight. I’m not your therapist, but I can assure you that neither of these things will do you any good.

That said, I know it’s not always easy for people to get rid of things. If you're not ready to burn it all down (aka donate/recycle responsibly), store them somewhere else. Put them in a spare room, under your bed, in a suitcase, somewhere out of sight and therefore out of mind. If you live in a tiny apartment (I can relate) and your closet is the only place your clothes can go – give them the worst real estate you have. Shove them in that back corner that you can’t really reach anyway. You can even put garment bags over them to make it super clear that they are not part of your everyday wardrobe. 

Whatever you decide, these items cannot be scattered throughout your regular wardrobe anymore.

You can do this. You SHOULD do this. When you do, I PROMISE YOU getting dressed will be more enjoyable, easier and faster. Let me know how it goes.

Rupaul saying "I can't wait to see how this turns out"
Gab Saper
Why Not Dealing with Your Style Is WASTING Your Time

“I’d love to work with you but I just don’t have the time!”

 I hear this A LOT. 

I know you’re busy – your calendar is a nightmare and it never feels like there’s time to get everything done. You have work, family, friends, workouts, errands, self-care and a f*ckload more. I GET IT!

BUT have you ever thought about how much time you’re spending trying to figure out your style every week? I’m guessing you haven’t. So let’s break it down.


Every day you are probably…

Staring at your closet, trying on multiple outfits to finally land on something you like: 30 minutes

Looking at emails from stores, hoping for inspiration to strike: 15 minutes

Clicking links you see on Instagram and debating if you want that thing: 15 minutes

Being distracted by the fact that you don’t like or are uncomfortable in what you’re wearing: 30 minutes


At least twice a week you find yourself…

Online shopping, adding things to cart and maybe or maybe not checking out: 1 hour

Tracking your online orders, dealing with returns: 45 minutes

Thinking about what you’re going to wear to upcoming events: 30 minutes

Putting away the pile of clothes you created while trying to pick an outfit: 15 minutes

Wading through the chaos in your closet trying to find a specific item: 10 minutes


That’s over 15 HOURS every week! Way more than you thought, huh?

Now think about how that will compound over time…

60+ hours a month

180+ hours a quarter

720+ hours a year! That’s 30 days!!!

And the worst part is, this time you’re spending isn’t solving the problem. So if you don’t take real action for your wardrobe, you’ll just be doing this over and over again, wasting your time and still not feeling great in your clothes…forever?! That f*cking sucks.

For some context, my largest package, takes about the time you spend on your style in one week now, but it’s spread out over 4-6 weeks. It’ll feel like even less because we do it one step at a time (so you don’t get overwhelmed!) and it’s actually FUN! Then, once we’re done, you’ll have a wardrobe that makes you feel like YOU every day, with EASE.

So the next question is, what are you going to do with those 15 hours once we’re done working together? Learn guitar? Become a master baker? SLEEP?!


If you're ready to get your time back, book a consult and we'll make it happen.

Gab Saper
Waiting Until You Lose The Weight To Have Great Clothes IS NOT IT

I was getting ready to take my first headshots for Wardrobe Editor and I was a wreck. I couldn’t figure out an outfit that represented my brand while making me feel hot and confident. (A lofty goal for one little outfit in retrospect!) 

I spent 2 hours trying on every outfit I could conjure. A lot were great in my head but didn’t fit my body as it was at that time. The more I failed, the worse I felt about my body. My bedroom was covered in the wreckage of failed outfits. In the end, I wore a simple outfit that I felt just ok in, and guess what? The pictures were just ok. Of about 120 that were taken, I only liked one.

It’s fine but it’s not great.

I know you’ve had moments like this too. 

Getting dressed when you don’t feel great about your body is not fun. Getting dressed when you don’t feel great about your body AND you don’t have clothes that fit SUCKS.

The problem is that you then go down this route of “logic”...

But I don’t want to invest in clothes if I’m just going to lose weight!

I can't encourage myself to stay at this size by buying new clothes!

I understand how you got there, but let me tell you why you’re wrong! 😈😇

It’s probably not as drastic as you think

Most people are not losing an amount of weight that's going to change their size. Most of the time I hear these objections, people want to lose 10-15 pounds. On most bodies, in most clothing items, that doesn’t change the size you’re wearing, it just changes how the garment fits. 

As an example: I’m 5’2” and I fluctuate between 140 - 155. (Look at me being brave and sharing my weight!) 90% of my clothes always fit, they just range from being a little tight to a little loose depending on where in that range I am. 

Treat yourself like you’d treat your bestie

If your best friend told you she was punishing herself for her size, what would you say to her? Hell no! Don’t you dare! You’re perfect as you are! Right?

Well, denying your body beautiful, well-fitting clothes until you lose weight is exactly that. Society punishes us enough for our size, why should we do it to ourselves? Easier said than done, I GET IT. The thoughts are not easy to turn off, but can we at least agree to give ourselves well-fitting clothes at every size?

Which would you rather? 

Feeling great in your clothes every day and maybe spending a little on tailoring later 


waiting until an unknown future date to feel great in your clothes and feeling shitty until you get there?

Pretty easy choice huh? 

One last thing to think about.

Typically, you start a weight loss journey because you don't feel great in your body. Shoving your body into clothes that don't work, makes you feel worse about your body. They keep you in a space where you feel bad, emotionally and physically. Wearing too tight jeans and being reminded by your physical discomfort all day that you’re “not the right size” is really shitty. I have done this more times than I care to admit, a few times even resulting in bruises! 🤦🏻‍♀️

And for what? To save money you were planning on spending later anyway?

Treat yourself like you’d treat your bestie. If you aren’t ready to accept yourself at this size, at least get great clothes now. You will not regret it.

If you want help, I'm here for you! Let's do this!

If not, please do it anyway!

Gab Saper
Wardrobe Editor’s Favorite Things

One of the most important skills for a stylist to have is the ability to precisely curate. Being able to find that one perfect thing in a sea of hundreds (thousands?) (millions?) of options. 

I do this for my clients every day, but I also apply this discipline to most areas of my own life. And then I evangelize the things I love to anyone who will listen. All of my friends know that when we hang out I will send at least one link of a thing I know they MUST have. I made a TV recommendations list during the pandemic out of this same urge to get the right things in front of the right people, you’re welcome

So here is a little peek behind the curtain at some of my personal favorites in a variety of categories. Besides, personal styling is a deeply personal process and I want my content to help you to get to know me. How I think, what I like, how I make decisions. Because if it jives with you, you’re going to love working with me. And if it doesn’t, it’s better to know now.


As I’ve been sharing on Instagram lately, I’m a high / low bitch. Always have been, always will be. Not just in style, but in every area of my life – interiors, food, travel, etc. Through a lot of trial and error, I've figured out when to save and when to splurge. It’s important to figure this out for yourself, as spend vs splurge calculations are different for everybody based on your lifestyle, preferences and budget.



I have combination-oily, sensitive skin and fine, oily hair, so keep that in mind with these recommendations. 


7. MERIT Day Glow Dewy Highlighting Balm, $32

I have used highlighter in the past but not regularly until I found this product and now I cannot live without it. I apply it in a C shape from the tip of my eyebrow to my cheekbone and blend with my fingers. I then apply blush on top. It gives the perfect glow that makes me look like I’m an expert makeup artist, when I very much am not.

8. Rodan + Fields Lash Boost, $170

This is far and away the most expensive thing in my bathroom and it’s 100% worth it. While it took about 4 months to start working, seemingly overnight, BAM! My lashes got 50% longer and have stayed that way. I’ve been using this for 7ish years now. Sadly if you stop using it, the length will go away. I have tried other similar products and they’re just not as good. Plus, each tube lasts about a year so the price isn’t as crazy as it seems.

9. Oribe Dry Texturizing Spray, $52

This is the best smelling product I’ve ever used and to be very honest, that’s a big part of the appeal for me. After styling, I spray a little of this at the roots to add volume. It’s also works as a preemptive dry shampoo. On days I don’t use it, my hair gets oily faster. I don’t use much, 3-4 quick sprays will do it.

10. NARS The Multiple in Orgasm, $39

For me, this is the perfect blush. It’s an orangey pink with gold glow. NARS is known for this color because it works so well on so many skin tones. I’ve tried the powder (not pigmented enough, doesn’t last) and I’ve tried the liquid (way too pigmented, I don’t have the skill to properly apply it). This is the perfect in between, it’s easy to apply and holds pigment all day.


1. The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 30ml, $8.90

Feels like water, has no scent and soaks in immediately. This is the first step of my nighttime skincare routine and since I started using it, I no longer get random dry patches. I go through a bottle of this every 2-3 months, so I love this price point.

2. Maelove Sun Protector SPF 30, $24.95

I’ve turned so many friends onto this product. As a pale person with a family history of melanoma, SPF is non-negotiable and this is the best one I’ve ever tried. It doesn’t have that sunscreen-y smell and even though it is creamy and white, it doesn’t leave a white cast if you blend it in well. It’s also a makeup primer so it leaves your skin smooth and very matte.

3. Versed Smooth Landing Advanced Retinoid Eye Balm, $17.99

I’ve spent a lot of money on a lot of eye creams to great disappointment. This product was a really pleasant surprise. It’s a balm, which was weird at first but I got used to it pretty quickly. Within a few months of using it, I noticed my crows feet start to soften. I’ve been using it for about a year and now my crows feet are almost gone. I’m about to finish the first container, so while the price is great, the price per use is insane at about 5¢ / day.

4. Trader Joe’s Ultra Hydrating Gel Moisturizer, $8.99

I’ve talked about this on Instagram before and I will again. This is THE BEST MOISTURIZER THAT EXISTS. (For my skin at least.) It’s a gel formula that is somehow very thick. It's rich but not gloopy. Absorbs almost instantly. Not to greasy when it’s hot and humid. PLUS, the size is perfect. It feels like a lot but it’s TSA friendly. When I travel, I use it on my body too. 

5. Bioderma Sensibio H2O Micellar Water, $18.99

I’ve used this product for over a decade. I discovered it when my brother lived in France and I would make him bring it to me whenever he came to the states. Fortunately, they figured out their US distribution right when he moved back so I got lucky. 

This is known as a makeup remover and I use it for that daily. I also use it in the morning to take off my skincare from the night before and give my face a fresh start, similar to toner. Some nights if I'm too lazy to wash my face, after taking off my makeup, I’ll do another round with a fresh cotton pad to take off sunscreen and anything else that may have seeped into my pores from the New York City streets. It’s not as good as actually washing my face but it's pretty close.

6. Covergirl Lashblast Mascara Blackest Black, $11.59

I’ve tried every expensive mascara that exists and I always come back to this. The silicone applicator (vs a more standard brush-like applicator) doesn’t get clumpy, the formula is the perfect balance of volumizing and separating. I will say that it’s not a lengthening mascara but I don’t need that because I use a lengthening product.



1. MALIN+GOETZ Dark Rum Candle, $64

I absolutely love this scent. It’s warm, cozy, sexy and just really is a VIBE. When I started buying this candle, it was $48 but now I'm addicted to it and I'm not going to stop. They do randomly go on sale so I always keep an eye out.

5. Barefoot Dreams Cozy Chic Throw, $158

If ASMR were a fabric, it would be Barefoot Dreams Cozy Chic. It’s SO f*cking soft and there’s nothing else like it. There are plenty of dupes but they just aren’t IT. I’ll warn you that these do get less soft over time, especially when you wash them, so eat on/near them with caution.

8. OFFHOURS Homecoat, $295

This is the most ridiculous thing I own and I absolutely love it. It was a gift and probably not something I would buy for myself but it is really special. It’s heavy, warm and soft. Very soothing. Not recommended for wear while you’re trying to do anything productive. I once wore it while working and fell asleep at my desk.


2. Threshold designed with Studio McGee Santal & Ginger Candle, $15

Candles are typically an area where I splurge but this was recommended to me so I gave it a shot. WOW is this scent incredible, it smells like a fancy hotel lobby. The three wicks feel luxurious and it lasts forever. I bought my second one before I’d even finished my first one. The label is a little cheap looking, I'm going to try to take it off with some Goo Gone next time.

3. PARLOVABLE Women's Cross Band Slippers Fuzzy Soft House Slippers, $17.59

I get hot easily so open toed slippers are my jam. I can always throw on socks if I’m cold. These are really soft and the padding is thick enough to feel like you’re not walking barefoot. If I am at home, I am wearing them. I’m wearing them as I type this. 

4. Slip Silk Contour Sleep Mask, $55

While this isn’t a cheap item to purchase, the cost per wear nets out to be very low because you’ll wear it every night. Sleep masks that squish my eyes make me claustrophobic, not to mention they’re bad for your gentle eye skin.This one has a pillow around your eyes but not on them. The silk is very soft. Comes in a lot of fun colors.

6. Justay 5 Pairs Womens Wool Socks, $14.99

Good, cheap, cozy socks in nice colors.

7. Quince Organic Turkish Waffle Robe, $49.90

I like to air dry a bit after I shower and this is the robe I do that in. It’s not the best quality but at this price point I still think it’s a great buy. Other similar robes are twice the price. It’s very very soft. Runs HUGE - I’m 5’2”, typically a medium in Quince but mine is an XS.



1. LG Styler Steam Closet, $899

This is the only thing on here that I don’t actually own but DAMN am I dying for it. If I had the space, I would buy this immediately. If you have a big suburban laundry room, please buy it and let me live vicariously through you. 

I would use it similarly to how I use Febreze as described above but it works way better and it only uses water so you don’t need chemicals. Can replace dry cleaning on certain items as well.


2. Stackers Classic Size Jewelry Box Collection, Price Varies

The best way to store jewelry. I recommend these to all of my clients and have a set myself. They feel lux with the velvet lining but are also extremely utilitarian. You can mix and match different types of storage to build a set that works for your collection.

My only complaint with these is that while they stack nicely, they don’t stick so if you knock it over, they all fall.  I’ve thought about adding magnetic strips…if I do, I’ll report back.

3. Amazon Basics Slim, Velvet, Non-Slip Hangers - Pack of 50, $26.51

Replace all your hangers with these. PERIOD. They’re non-slip, they’re thin, they’re uniform. They aren’t super strong so they’ll break from time to time but they’re so cheap it’s still worth it. For heavier coats, I use 2 hangers together. There are more expensive versions of these but the quality is roughly the same, so stick with the Amazon Basics version. 

4. Like-it Boot Clip, $6.99

This dumb little piece of plastic is a boot saver. You put it in your boots so they stand up instead of flopping over. Years of flopping will weaken the leather at the ankle and cause it to deteriorate both functionally and aesthetically.

5. Febreze Fabric Extra Strength Fabric Refresher, $6.79

I use Febreze almost every day. I am very sensitive to smells and I don't like to put things in my closet that have any sort of smell, including but not limited to coffee shop, outside, other people, fire pit, etc. If they’re not actually dirty but just smell a little, I Febreze, leave it out overnight and by the next morning it’s ready for the closet. If it still smells, that means it actually is dirty and goes in the laundry. 

BTW – for those of you who have “the chair” for clothes that aren’t quite dirty and aren’t quite clean, you can eliminate it with my Febreze process.

6. Downy Wrinkle Releaser, $12.59

This is a fine product to have at home but it’s a GREAT product to have when you travel. While it’s not as good as ironing or a steamer, it makes a big difference when things are super wrinkled and you just need them to not be. All you do is smooth out the item and spray it on. Has a subtle fresh smell as well. A nice refresh for clothes that were smashed in a suitcase.

7. Earth Breeze Laundry Detergent Eco-Sheets, $12

These are better for the environment for reasons I forget but why I REALLY like these is because they take up so little space. An envelope of these does the same amount of laundry as a milk jug of regular detergent pods. They also do auto-replenish and donate a few bucks to charity with every purchase. 

8. HOMEASY Fabric Shaver Fuzz Remover, $32.99

If you own any garments that are pilling or otherwise have fuzz on them (likely you do), buy this immediately. It’s so easy to use, it almost feels like magic. The battery lasts a LONG time and it comes with replacement blades. It’s pretty easy to clean and even comes with a little brush and lint roller hidden in the handle. Delightful product all around.


A few extras that didn’t fit into any category but changed my life and must be shared.

Aluan Handheld Mini Fan, $9.48

I’m a sweaty girl. When it’s hot out, this fan lives in my bag and saves my life. At first I was nervous about looking stupid but honestly, most of the attention I get is people saying “you’re a genius,” giving me a thumbs up or asking for the link. It is a little flimsy so I keep it in a jewelry pouch to protect it.

TeuxDeux, $36 / year

I’ve been running my business and my life using TeuxDeux since 2013. If this app disappeared, I would not be able to get anything done. It’s a simple, calendar-based to-do list. It has recurring events and when you cross something off, a flying dog or cat comes across your screen as a treat. I know I have single-handedly referred at least a dozen people to this product this year alone and sadly they don’t pay me to do that. I just love the product SO MUCH.

James Clear Atomic Habits, $13.79

I LOVE this book because it has both inspirational themes/stories AND practical, tactical advice you can implement right away. He’s a great combination of insightful, motivational and PRACTICAL AF. If James Clear started a cult, I would 100% join it.

I also get his weekly newsletter which somehow magically shows me quotes and ideas exactly when I need to hear them. 

Flodesk, prices vary

Easiest and prettiest email & audience product out there. It’s SO easy to build beautiful emails (suck it, Mailchimp). BUT ALSO it makes it easy to collect emails with various banners you can use on your website or anywhere else. I was legit flabbergasted when I realized how easy this was. I thought I’d have to pay someone to do that for me and I figured it out in about 20 minutes.

Bonus: Get 50% off your first year with my link.

Where are all the clothes and accessories, you ask??

I left them off of this post for a few reasons: 

  1. Most of my personal favorite items are from seasons past and not currently on sale.

  2. I don’t believe that there are staples or must-haves that apply to everyone. Each person’s basics are totally different based on their taste and lifestyle. I know that even if I say these are just my personal staples, some folks out there will think they need them too. (And they probably don’t!)

  3. Can’t a girl have some mystery?

If you have questions about anything on this list, DM me, I would happily wax poetic about any of these items.

Gab Saper
The Case for Tailoring

You know that thing in your closet that you like but then every time you reach for it you remember it’s too long/too big/doesn’t fit right? Then you frown and decide either not to wear it, or you wear it and it annoys you all day.

I know you have at least one of these. I also know that you know the solution.

Say it with me, “Take it to the tailor.”

This is one errand that most people really dread and I get why. You already spent time picking the thing out and money buying it. Spending more time and money to make it work is annoying. 

Trust me, I get it.

But here’s the truth. There are only two ways to get out of this vicious cycle.

Only buy things that require no tailoring. This isn’t impossible but it will make shopping REALLY time consuming and very frustrating, no matter your body type. This will end up being way more work than tailoring.


Accept that tailoring is part of buying clothes and just do it. Think of it as the exercise of fashion.

Here are three ways to make that second option infinitely easier:

  1. Find a great tailor that’s near your house or somewhere else you go regularly and only go to them. Sticking to one tailor makes the process less daunting by adding predictability and comfort to each interaction. Ask around, someone you know will have a recommendation. 

  2. NEVER put an item that needs tailoring in your closet. That’s a guarantee that it won’t get done. Instead, put it in your home’s designated errands area – where you put dry cleaning, returns, outgoing mail, etc. (If you don’t have this, get on it ASAP. Your errands will get done faster, I promise.)

  3. Mentally add $20 to the cost of anything you buy that you’ve tailored before (such as pants if you’re a shorty) and just assume you’re going to do it. If you don’t, that’s a bonus.

Now that you’ve accepted tailoring as part of your life, here are some guidelines on the most common alteration types.


The ease or difficulty of shortening pant hems, skirts, sleeves all depends on what’s on the end of them.

A simple seam, like the one below, will be an easy and quick job. 

Bottom of button down shirt with simple hem

A more complex or decorative seam can usually still be done but will be more expensive.


Seams with complex patterns and fabrics, especially lace, can require significant reconstruction of the garment such as removing the whole lace panel and reattaching it or removing excess fabric from the opposite end to shorten (can involve a new zipper/elastic/buttons, etc). These alterations aren’t usually worth doing. 


Lengthening a garment is sometimes possible, but generally it will be less than an inch and is not usually worth the cost unless it’s a very special piece – family heirloom, vintage, collectible, etc.

If you’re buying something you know you will need to alter, buy it to fit the largest part of your body and alter everything else down. 


Clothes that are too long in a specific area create a gap between your skin and the garment due to the excess fabric.

I have a short torso, so tank tops often gap at the armpits. Luckily for me, this is usually easy to fix. A tailor can open the shoulder seam, remove a little bit of the fabric and resew it. 

This can happen on many other parts of the body. As with shortening, the ease or difficulty depends on the seam type.


Button replacements are the most overlooked alteration and something I wish everyone would do more. You can buy buttons online or at any craft store and they’re usually inexpensive. Buttons, especially on a top or jacket, are a focal point and changing them will completely change the garment. Most buttons are sewn on simply and can be replaced easily and cheaply.

Zippers on the other hand, are usually not worth replacing. Color matching the fabric on the side of the zipper to the original one can be really difficult as they’re often dyed with the garments. Depending on where you live, this can cost $70-$100. 

The only time I’d really recommend replacing a zipper is for very expensive items. I recently replaced a zipper for the first time in my life because it was on my most expensive handbag. The replacement was $150 but buying a new one would have been 20x more.

Aesthetic Alterations

This is a category most people don’t even think about and I LOVE introducing it to my clients, and now you.

Custom clothes are out of reach for most people but it’s easy to make a ton of customizations to off the rack clothes.

An example:

My client had a silk abstract firework printed top that she wore every year on July 4th. She bought it in the early 2010s and it had a handkerchief hem, like this:


While she loved the fit and pattern of the shirt, the hem made it feel dated. So we chopped it off and gave the top a new life. She continues wearing that shirt on July 4th and likely will for a long time…4ever if you will.

Some other ideas to transform garments with tailoring

  • Shorten long skirts and dresses from maxi to midi, midi to mini, etc

  • Shorten pants from long to mid calf, especially wide leg pants

  • Remove or shorten sleeves 

  • Turn a dress from maxi to high low by shortening the front

  • Remove embellishments you don’t like

Aesthetic alterations are one of my favorite things to help clients with as they continue to refine their style. Bonus –refreshing existing garments is cheaper and more sustainable than buying new ones.

I hope this rant has helped you accept and understand how and when to tailor. There are truly infinite possibilities but this is a good start if you’re a newbie. 

If you take one thing away from this, my BIGGEST piece of advice with alterations is this –

Find a tailor, make them your bestie and consult them before you buy something that doesn’t fit to make sure it’s worth it. Tailors are miracle workers but it just may not be worth $300 to fix a $75 skirt.

(If you’re not in the market for a new bestie, you could go to fashion school to learn all of this yourself. Or ask me since I did.)

Gab Saper
How to Not Be An Idiot With Your Spending This Holiday Season

The holidays are supposed to be a joyous, festive, fun time spent with the people you love. 

And yet, every holiday season, I find myself having at least 10 conversations with someone who tells me how expensive the holidays are and how they have to cut back on things they love/want/need to get through it.

That fucking sucks.

There are definitely things that are expensive and unavoidable – most commonly, travel and hosting costs. I have no advice to help you with those.

BUT! I do have a lot of ideas about costs associated with dressing and gifting.

Before you freak out – I’m not going to tell you not to buy anything. That’s not fun and for most people, it’s not a reasonable solution. 

What I will do is give you some things to think about before you buy anything. (Hence why you’re seeing this in October!) There are a lot of things we feel like we have to buy over the holidays that we don’t actually need.

Work Holiday Party

Every year I hear from clients and friends about their quest for a dress that’s hot but not sexy, just the right amount of sparkly, feels fun but is still appropriate to wear in front of the Head of HR.

Let me burst this bubble for you right now. While this dress definitely does exist, it is not worth your time or money. You’re not going to get a promotion for being best dressed at the holiday party. 

Wear something you already have. I promise you, you have something that works. You can’t go wrong with all black and some sparkly jewelry. You can throw a fun party dress over a ribbed turtleneck and tights. I know you have a couple fun pieces that you can make work.

If you really feel the need to buy something new, here are a few accessory ideas that are versatile enough to be worn again.

Collage of gold, silver and pink accessories

Click the image and scroll down to shop!


Another thing to consider –

Have you ever heard of a man buying something new for a work holiday party? Just sayin.

Thanksgiving Meal

This holiday means many things to many people, but the thing we can all agree on, is that Thanksgiving is about food.

My philosophy with Thanksgiving outfits is the same as my philosophy with concert outfits – optimize for comfort but still look nice. 

It’s going to be a long day. You’ll have fun catch ups and awkward conversations with people you haven’t seen since last Thanksgiving. At some point you’ll probably be on the floor with a pet or a child. You’ll be eating and drinking all day. Photos will be taken!

So what does that mean for your style? 

It really depends on what you find to be comfortable. For me, it means a tent dress or leggings and a long flowy top. No hard pants. I wore high waisted jeans Thanksgiving 2011 and it’s one of my biggest regrets to this day.

Most of us have at least a few outfits in the “comfortable yet cute” category. If you don’t have this category in your wardrobe, I highly encourage you to figure it out for this Thanksgiving. Once you have it, you’ll wonder how you lived without it.

Night Out at Your Hometown Bar Where You See People You Haven’t Seen in A While

You decide to go to this after all and now you’re FREAKING OUT about what to wear. Sound familiar?

This is a situation where I encourage you to plan in advance. If buying something will new make you feel confident and secure, DO IT. When picking out an outfit for this event, don’t channel your nervous high school self or think about what the cool girls are going to wear. Wear something that makes you feel like the best version of the you that you are today. And hey, that’s an outfit you’ll wear again and again.

And last but certainly not least…


I will start by saying that there’s a lot of nuance that goes into gifting. Unfortunately, I cannot solve each of your personal gifting dilemmas here but I’d like to share some general gift categories you may not have thought of. These may not necessarily save money but they will highly increase the chances that the money you spend makes a big impact.

For Your Inner Circle: Everyday Upgrades

Does your mom drink her daily coffee out of a “World’s Best Mom” mug that the dishwasher has melted the ink off of? Buy her a chic new mug that still shows you love her, like this one.

We all have things we use regularly that erode over time. Noticing that someone in your life is using a shitty thing daily shows how much you consider them. Being thoughtful enough to upgrade that item is the gift that keeps on giving. 

For People You Like: Sensory Luxuries 

Items whose sole purpose is to feel, smell or taste good are the perfect gift. For people you know well enough to have a general sense of their tastes, these types of gifts are where it’s at. And if you’re not totally sure, include a gift receipt. No one is ever mad at a gift receipt. 

Here are a few things I’d gift people in this category:


Click the image and scroll down to shop!


For Anyone You Don’t Know Well: The Easy Answer

If you don’t know someone very well, don’t try to guess their taste or, God forbid, their size. Just buy them a Barefoot Dreams blanket, or for a lower price point, Barefoot Dreams socks. They’re neutral and super luxurious. Everyone will love this.

Happy (and thoughtful!) holiday shopping!

If you want more personalized help, let’s connect ASAP before holiday slots are filled 🤗

Gab Saper