Have questions? WE have answers!


What is Wardrobe Editing?

Our clothes are, in many ways, a microcosm of who we are, and the goal of Wardrobe Editing is to help clients find the clearest path to expressing that.

Most people’s closets contain a combination of items they love, items that don’t fit, items they wear but don’t love and items they don’t know how to wear. That chaos makes getting dressed every day a chore, because there is too much to wade through (emotionally and literally).

How we feel about our bodies is often a blocker for expressing authentic style. Together, we’ll dig into those feelings and move through them to discover the style of your dreams.

Simply put, Wardrobe Editing subtracts what doesn’t work and adds what’s missing, so your wardrobe reflects who your are, with no stress.


What’s the vibe?

Always judgment free.

Every body can and should have beautiful clothes. There’s no closet too messy for me to handle.

Whether you follow fashion obsessively or don’t know the difference between beige and tan, I got you.

As long as you’re ready and willing to make a transformation, we’ll do big things together.



I’m not happy with my body right now, should I wait?

If your friend told you she was punishing herself for her size, what would you say to her? Denying your body beautiful, well-fitting clothes until you lose weight is exactly that. 

From a financial and practical perspective, if your goal is to lose 20 pounds or less, most of the things you buy at your current weight will still fit you at your goal weight. The ones that don’t, can with a little tailoring.

Isn’t it better to be wearing the right clothes now and spend a little on tailoring later, rather than waiting until an unknown future date to LOVE your clothes? 


What’s the price tag?

Think about the amount of money you’ve spent on clothing items that you never wore. Now think about how that amount could continue to grow for years if you’re left to your own devices. The cost of our work together will be significantly less than that. See the Services tab for package pricing.

You can expect to spend $1,000 - $10,000 on clothes depending on the package you select and the brands you like to wear. Want to wear high end designers head to toe? Let’s do it! Just know that we’ll probably go higher than the range.


How much time will this take?

Working with me is a partnership that includes some work you need to do. My Wardrobe Edit package takes about 15 hours of your time over roughly 6 weeks. Feel like you don't have that much time? Think about how much time you spend during any 6-week period picking out outfits, being stressed about what to wear to events, endlessly scrolling e-commerce sites when you should be paying attention to what's on Netflix…I could go on but you get it. Those 15 hours will save you WAY more hours over the next few years. 



Where does WE work?

Services are offered both virtually and in person.

Wardrobe Editor is based in Manhattan and can easily travel to all 5 boroughs. Live somewhere else? WE can travel further for an additional fee.


When does WE work?

I know you’re busy, so I offer client appointments 7 days a week, both during the day and evening. We’ll find a time that works for your schedule.

I love chatting with my clients via email, text and DM and generally reply as quickly at most times. My digital communication guidelines are:

  • Working Hours: Monday - Friday: 11am - 7pm

  • I will respond to all messages within 12 business hours