Why Not Dealing with Your Style Is WASTING Your Time

“I’d love to work with you but I just don’t have the time!”

 I hear this A LOT. 

I know you’re busy – your calendar is a nightmare and it never feels like there’s time to get everything done. You have work, family, friends, workouts, errands, self-care and a f*ckload more. I GET IT!

BUT have you ever thought about how much time you’re spending trying to figure out your style every week? I’m guessing you haven’t. So let’s break it down.


Every day you are probably…

Staring at your closet, trying on multiple outfits to finally land on something you like: 30 minutes

Looking at emails from stores, hoping for inspiration to strike: 15 minutes

Clicking links you see on Instagram and debating if you want that thing: 15 minutes

Being distracted by the fact that you don’t like or are uncomfortable in what you’re wearing: 30 minutes


At least twice a week you find yourself…

Online shopping, adding things to cart and maybe or maybe not checking out: 1 hour

Tracking your online orders, dealing with returns: 45 minutes

Thinking about what you’re going to wear to upcoming events: 30 minutes

Putting away the pile of clothes you created while trying to pick an outfit: 15 minutes

Wading through the chaos in your closet trying to find a specific item: 10 minutes


That’s over 15 HOURS every week! Way more than you thought, huh?

Now think about how that will compound over time…

60+ hours a month

180+ hours a quarter

720+ hours a year! That’s 30 days!!!

And the worst part is, this time you’re spending isn’t solving the problem. So if you don’t take real action for your wardrobe, you’ll just be doing this over and over again, wasting your time and still not feeling great in your clothes…forever?! That f*cking sucks.

For some context, my largest package, takes about the time you spend on your style in one week now, but it’s spread out over 4-6 weeks. It’ll feel like even less because we do it one step at a time (so you don’t get overwhelmed!) and it’s actually FUN! Then, once we’re done, you’ll have a wardrobe that makes you feel like YOU every day, with EASE.

So the next question is, what are you going to do with those 15 hours once we’re done working together? Learn guitar? Become a master baker? SLEEP?!


If you're ready to get your time back, book a consult and we'll make it happen.

Gab Saper