Waiting Until You Lose The Weight To Have Great Clothes IS NOT IT

I was getting ready to take my first headshots for Wardrobe Editor and I was a wreck. I couldn’t figure out an outfit that represented my brand while making me feel hot and confident. (A lofty goal for one little outfit in retrospect!) 

I spent 2 hours trying on every outfit I could conjure. A lot were great in my head but didn’t fit my body as it was at that time. The more I failed, the worse I felt about my body. My bedroom was covered in the wreckage of failed outfits. In the end, I wore a simple outfit that I felt just ok in, and guess what? The pictures were just ok. Of about 120 that were taken, I only liked one.

It’s fine but it’s not great.

I know you’ve had moments like this too. 

Getting dressed when you don’t feel great about your body is not fun. Getting dressed when you don’t feel great about your body AND you don’t have clothes that fit SUCKS.

The problem is that you then go down this route of “logic”...

But I don’t want to invest in clothes if I’m just going to lose weight!

I can't encourage myself to stay at this size by buying new clothes!

I understand how you got there, but let me tell you why you’re wrong! 😈😇

It’s probably not as drastic as you think

Most people are not losing an amount of weight that's going to change their size. Most of the time I hear these objections, people want to lose 10-15 pounds. On most bodies, in most clothing items, that doesn’t change the size you’re wearing, it just changes how the garment fits. 

As an example: I’m 5’2” and I fluctuate between 140 - 155. (Look at me being brave and sharing my weight!) 90% of my clothes always fit, they just range from being a little tight to a little loose depending on where in that range I am. 

Treat yourself like you’d treat your bestie

If your best friend told you she was punishing herself for her size, what would you say to her? Hell no! Don’t you dare! You’re perfect as you are! Right?

Well, denying your body beautiful, well-fitting clothes until you lose weight is exactly that. Society punishes us enough for our size, why should we do it to ourselves? Easier said than done, I GET IT. The thoughts are not easy to turn off, but can we at least agree to give ourselves well-fitting clothes at every size?

Which would you rather? 

Feeling great in your clothes every day and maybe spending a little on tailoring later 


waiting until an unknown future date to feel great in your clothes and feeling shitty until you get there?

Pretty easy choice huh? 

One last thing to think about.

Typically, you start a weight loss journey because you don't feel great in your body. Shoving your body into clothes that don't work, makes you feel worse about your body. They keep you in a space where you feel bad, emotionally and physically. Wearing too tight jeans and being reminded by your physical discomfort all day that you’re “not the right size” is really shitty. I have done this more times than I care to admit, a few times even resulting in bruises! 🤦🏻‍♀️

And for what? To save money you were planning on spending later anyway?

Treat yourself like you’d treat your bestie. If you aren’t ready to accept yourself at this size, at least get great clothes now. You will not regret it.

If you want help, I'm here for you! Let's do this!

If not, please do it anyway!

Gab Saper