Make Brené Brown proud

Think about a time in your life when you worked hard to overcome something and came out better on the other side. 

Maybe it was a career change, a health issue or the end of a relationship. Throughout that journey, you had difficult and vulnerable conversations with people you love and maybe even professionals like a coach, doctor or therapist. It was hard and scary, but you did it and it was worth it. Now it’s hard to even remember what life was like before you made those big changes.


So you agree, the hard stuff is worth it, right?

Great! Because developing your personal style is hard too. (But unlike an injury or a breakup, it’s also very fun!)

Transforming your style is not just about walking into a store and buying one of everything. It requires you to reflect on your desires, fears and goals. It requires you to be vulnerable, with yourself, and if we work together, with me too.

I heard from a client recently that she cried the day before our first meeting because she was so nervous that I was going to judge her.

Hearing this broke my heart. 

Obviously, I don’t want anyone to cry because of me. I don’t want anyone to feel judged by me. That is truly one of my biggest fears in my business. It’s my goal to always create a safe environment for my clients to be completely honest and vulnerable, because that is how you build trust and create change.

So I’m telling you this because if you’re thinking about working with me, I don’t want you to be scared I’m going to judge you.

Not only is it not an impulse I have as a person, but also because I do this for a living…

I have seen bodies of all shapes and sizes. 

I have seen closets of all shapes, sizes and organization levels. 

I have seen clothing in such bad shape that it went directly to the garbage. 

And all of that is OK! 

In terms of your goals and desires, those definitely won’t be judged either. Everyone’s tastes, lives, hopes and dreams are different. We will define your personal style based on yours. There are no wrong answers. 

I’m on your team to make your personal style dreams come true. 

This is so fucking cheesy, but it is also completely true!!!

My job is to guide you on your style evolution, to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be next. 

While I promise never to judge you, what I ask for in return is vulnerability.

The queen of vulnerability herself, Brené Brown, once said, “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

Finding your personal style is going to require that you look inward. We’ll talk through your feelings about your body, clothes you love, clothes you hate, your style icons, how you want to feel in your clothes and so much more, in order to define a dream style just for you.

In addition to the inner work of figuring out what you want your style to reflect, you’re also going to have to literally, physically, try on new things. 

Some of them won’t work and that’s part of the process. You won’t burst into flames, I promise. I have had so many moments in dressing rooms where a client puts something on and they burst out laughing, because it’s a HUGE MISS. 

I’ve had just as many moments in dressing rooms where clients gasp, or even cry, because it’s PERFECT. 

Being vulnerable means trying new things. Trying new things leads to finding the right things. You have to kiss a lot of frogs (wrong clothes for you) to find your prince (right clothes for you).

If you’re ready to make mama Brené proud, I’d love to partner with you to do it.

Gab Saper